
When Empathy is Rejected: Staying Open Without Losing Yourself

By John Ford

Reaching out to a loved one in times of political and emotional division is an act of vulnerability. It takes courage to invite someone into a space of mutual understanding, especially when that invitation is met with resistance—or worse, dismissal.

What do you do when you extend a hand in empathy, only to have it brushed aside? How do you stay open without feeling crushed? How do you care for yourself while holding onto hope for connection?

The Pain of Being Rebuffed

When you reach out with sincerity, hoping to be heard, and instead receive a response that dismisses your feelings or minimizes your concerns, it can feel like a gut punch. You weren’t looking for a debate. You weren’t asking for agreement. You were asking to be seen. And instead, you were told to "chill."

Responses like these often reveal a fundamental disconnect:

  • You sought emotional connection; they responded with logic or indifference.

  • You wanted acknowledgment of your distress; they reassured you that everything is fine.

  • You were asking for empathy; they heard it as an argument.

This gap in perception is frustrating, and it can feel deeply lonely—especially when it comes from someone you love.

Why Might They Respond This Way?

When someone resists engaging empathetically, it’s often not because they don’t care, but because they feel unequipped, uninterested, or even threatened. Consider these possibilities:

  • They see emotions as irrational. Some people, consciously or unconsciously, equate emotional distress with weakness or overreaction. Instead of sitting with discomfort, they push it away.

  • They fear conflict. A deep conversation may feel too risky or too exhausting, especially if they think it could lead to more division.

  • They believe that acknowledging your pain means they have to change their own views. Rather than listening as an act of care, they assume you are trying to persuade them, and they put up defenses.

  • They genuinely don’t feel the same way and don’t understand why it affects you so deeply. And instead of trying to understand, they dismiss.

None of these are excuses, but understanding them can help soften the sting.

What You Can Do Instead of Giving Up

So where do you go from here? How do you stay open when your invitation to empathy is rejected?

1. Acknowledge the Disconnect

If you sense that they are misunderstanding your intent, you can gently name the gap:

"I hear that you don’t feel the same way I do, and that’s okay. But I wasn’t looking for a debate. I was hoping for empathy—not about policies, but about what this moment means to me and how it’s affecting me personally. That’s what I need from you and why I suggested an empathy circle."

This clarifies that you’re not trying to argue— you’re trying to connect.

2. Name Your Emotional Need Directly

Some people won’t intuit what you’re asking for, so say it clearly:

"When I share my fears and grief, I need to feel that you care about my experience—not that you agree with me, but that you care that I’m struggling."

This removes any question about your agenda. You’re not asking for validation of your political views; you’re asking for relational care.

3. Decide Whether to Keep Engaging or Step Back

If their response remains dismissive or defensive, it may not be the right time for this conversation. You can signal your boundaries while keeping the door open:

"I love you, but I don’t think we’re in the same place right now. Maybe we can just focus on what connects us today."

This protects your energy without completely shutting them out.

Taking Care of Yourself When Connection Fails

When a loved one doesn’t meet you in the space of empathy, it’s painful. But your well-being doesn’t have to depend on their ability to hold space for you. Here’s how to take care of yourself:

1. Seek Empathy Elsewhere

Not everyone is capable of offering the emotional support we long for, but that doesn’t mean you have to go without it. Who in your life can hold space for you? A friend, a partner, a therapist, a community?

2. Set a Personal Boundary

You don’t have to engage in conversations that leave you feeling dismissed or drained. Protect your energy by recognizing when to step away.

"I love you, but I need to step away from this conversation for now. It hurts to feel dismissed when I’m sharing something deeply personal."

3. Stay Open Without Staying Vulnerable to Harm

Holding onto empathy doesn’t mean allowing yourself to be repeatedly hurt. You can continue to care about your loved one without expecting them to meet your emotional needs.

If they aren’t willing to meet you in understanding, consider shifting your focus:

  • Can you find a different way to connect that isn’t emotionally charged?

  • Can you accept that they might not have the capacity for deep emotional exchange?

  • Can you practice radical acceptance while maintaining self-protection?

An Invitation to Keep Choosing Empathy

Empathy is an act of courage. It’s risky because it asks us to open our hearts without a guarantee that we will be met in kind. Sometimes, we will be met with love and understanding. Other times, we won’t.

But staying open—to connection, to curiosity, to love—is always worth it. Not because the other person will always reciprocate, but because choosing empathy makes you more whole.

So if you’ve reached out and been met with rejection, hold steady. Breathe. Find the care you need elsewhere. And when the time is right, keep your heart open to the possibility of understanding—if not today, then maybe tomorrow.

The Strength of Compassionate Boundaries

By John Ford

Many people struggle with setting boundaries. We want to be understanding, we fear coming across as rude, and so we allow others to overstep, often at our own expense. This is especially true for those who lean toward avoiding or accommodating conflict styles, as described in the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. Yet, boundaries are not about shutting others out or being unkind—they are about self-respect, clarity, and sustainability in our relationships.

Thich Nhat Hanh’s words remind us that true compassion is not passive or weak. It is a powerful force that resists harm without resorting to violence or blame. He says:

“If you think that compassionate people do not resist and challenge injustice, you are wrong. They are warriors, heroes, and heroines who have gained many victories… When we are armed with compassion and understanding, we fight not against other people, but against the tendency to invade, to dominate, and to exploit.”

This perspective shifts how we approach boundaries. Setting limits is not an act of aggression—it is an act of self-compassion and clarity. When we establish boundaries with understanding, we are not punishing others; we are honoring our needs while also maintaining respect for them.

How to Set Boundaries Without Being Abrasive

  1. Anchor in Self-Compassion – Recognize that your needs are valid. A boundary is not a rejection of another person; it is a statement of self-care.

  2. Communicate Clearly and Calmly – Use "I" statements to express your limits. Instead of saying, “You always take advantage of me,” try, “I need to protect my time, so I won’t be able to help with this.”

  3. Hold Firm with Kindness – Being compassionate does not mean being a pushover. As Thich Nhat Hanh teaches, we can resist domination without anger. If someone pushes back, repeat your boundary calmly without justifying or debating.

  4. Recognize That Discomfort is Okay – If you’re used to accommodating others, setting boundaries might feel uncomfortable at first. That doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong—it means you’re growing.

  5. Detach from the Reaction of Others – You are not responsible for how others respond to your boundary. If someone reacts negatively, it does not mean you were unkind; it means they are adjusting to your new clarity.

True compassion is not about allowing others to drain us; it is about showing up fully for ourselves so that we can engage with the world from a place of strength. As we learn to set boundaries with clarity and kindness, we embody the wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh—not fighting against others, but standing firm against patterns of exploitation and depletion.

Awakening Each Other Through Love

By John Kinyon,

I have been reflecting deeply and painfully on the violence and polarization we are experiencing in the world. How it seems to be increasing on all levels, from the macro to the micro of our lives.

The scale of suffering we witness on our screens feels incomprehensible and utterly heartbreaking. Yet this violence is not new or uncommon — it is ubiquitous throughout human history; and with current technologies now at our fingertips we experience it in such intimate and vivid ways.


At the core of violence, I see the power-over paradigm of domination systems creating roles of oppressor and oppressed (and there is often disagreement about who is in which role). I see this system fostering the experience of injustice, inequality, and cycles of violent actions and reactions. I see this in how we relate to other animals and to the natural world. And I see that all of us can at times find ourselves in the role of oppressor, as well as oppressed — even in how we relate to ourselves! 

This power-over system is part of our human story, like a software operating system that runs in human beings. When this system is activated, it shuts off empathic connection, care, and cooperation. We then can dehumanize and do terrible things to each other. We are seeing so visibly the price that everyone pays when needs are met at the expense of others.


There is a much more wonderful game for us humans to play. It is the game of using our power to care equally for the needs and wellbeing of others as we do for ourselves, even when it is most difficult to do. This may even sound idealistic or impossible. But it may be our way out of the growing hell in which we find ourselves. 

So, how do we do this? How do we update our human operating system?

  • I start by empathically feeling the depths of my own pain as I witness the suffering of power-over, and connect to the need to be safe and loved.

  • Then, expanding my empathy, can I feel the human being who is just like me, and is caught up in that system?

  • From this place, can I act to support the caring for everyone's needs and wellbeing?

In this way we can awaken each other through love. Deep in our hearts we know what brings peace, joy, and working together for life to flourish.

John Kinyon has devoted his life and career to furthering human connection and cooperation around the world through empathic communication. John is co-creator of the Mediate Your Life (MYL) training program and company, based in the work of Nonviolent Communication/NVC ( 

Experience the Healing Hurt & Divides in the Mediate Your Life App. This will support the exploration of unresolved emotional pain, being with the "actor" and "receiver" of pain, creating a space of healing and connection. To do so, download my free Mediate Your Life App, tap "Map Room," and tap the icon "Healing Hurt & Divides."

Six Ways to Deal With Someone Who Wronged You

Here's what we have learned from 25 years of research about forgiveness—and its alternatives.


MAY 15, 2023

If you had experienced a serious hurt or off ense 25 years ago and you wanted to forgive,you generally would look to simple willpower or perhaps religion for the strength to doso. Science had little to offer. Back in 1998, Michael McCullough and his colleagues found 58 good studies about the nature of forgiveness. As for interventions, only a handful of studies—and a meager handful at that—had been published. And most of them were demonstration experiments with very few participants.

In early 1998, research into forgiveness dramatically accelerated. In the 25 years since then, thousands of studies have been done. Recently, the new book I co-edited with Nathaniel G. Wade, Handbook of Forgiveness, 2nd edition, includes over 30 qualitative review chapters. Each chapter described multiple studies on such things as how forgiveness is related to mental health symptoms, addictions, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as to well-being and flourishing. Other reviews of research described how forgiveness can benefit relationships with loved ones, work colleagues, friends, and societies. Still other research detailed how it can lead to lower cortisol (a primary stress hormone) and higher oxytocin (the so-called bonding peptide) soon after experiencing it. They showed how heart rate variability, a measure of ability to self-soothe, increased. Some found better overall physical health if forgiving is practiced often.

So, in that brief 25 years, we have found out much about forgiveness—and how to help people who want to forgive to do so more efficiently and effectively. We also know that forgiveness alone does not have to do all of the work in dealing with injustices. People can seek justice, relinquish the matter to a higher power, tolerate the injustice, forbear, or accept and move on with their lives. They can also lower their emotional arousal through practicing mindfulness. But for those who choose to pursue it, forgiveness is very beneficial. Here are six new findings that can help you reduce your interpersonal stress, depression, and anxiety, while increasing your flourishing and hope.

1. Think about forgiveness like a scientist

In recent years, scientists have found three major ways to help people forgive. First, we can ponder how forgiving helps the forgiver. Second, we can understand the role of perceived injustices to help us to deal with the injustices life throws at us. Third, we can use many ways of dealing with injustices, forgiveness being only one.

By thinking about the benefits to themselves, people get a leg up on forgiving. Merely dwelling on the benefits for about 10 minutes can motivate forgiveness. We actually found that from our randomized controlled trials studying the REACH Forgiveness intervention. We had people spend comparable time to the time spent in forgiveness groups familiarizing themselves with the benefits of forgiving to the forgiver. Whether they contemplated benefits to themselves for eight hours, six hours, five hours, two hours, one hour, or just 10 minutes, they had about an equal amount of forgiving—and it was substantial, though not as much as the active interventions. Funny how science sometimes works: Even our “placebo control group” consistently helped people forgive.

The essence of science is to keep an open mind to new and often unexpected possibilities. Then, we test them out and see which ones work.

2. Remember that we have options

By recognizing that we have options to handle injustices other than forgiving, we take pressure off of forgiving.

We all “keep score” after we’ve been hurt. The injustice gap is an ongoing subjective tally of how much perceived injustice is attached to each hurt or offense. The injustice gap was proposed in 2003, but a good measure did not exist until 2015. Theory (and experience) told us that our sense of injustice increased if people refused to acknowledge that they had hurt us or kept piling on hurts. However, our sense of injustice was usually reduced when offenders apologized, made amends, and sincerely asked for forgiveness. The larger the perceived injustice gap, the more difficult it is to deal with. In fact, sometimes the injustice gap seems so large it seems like a canyon that feels impossible to leap rather than a gap we can step across with forgiveness.

By realizing that forgiveness does not have to do all of the heavy lifting needed to deal with large injustice gaps, people’s flexibility is increased. We can mix many actions to reduce their sense of injustice to where it is manageable by forgiving. Here are some options.

Actively wait. We might use active waiting. Most forgiveness happens quickly without much effort. McCullough and his colleagues invited people whose hurts were raw to rate their forgiveness daily for 18 days. On the average, most forgave, accepted, or just forgot within 72 hours. Actively waiting worked well. Except when it didn’t. McCullough and his colleagues plotted individual responses. Some instantly forgave. Others quickly did so. Some eventually did so. Most people were quite resilient. But some seemed stuck in the same level of unforgiveness for weeks. Others just seethed and got worse as the weeks went on. The lesson: Forgiveness is very individual. We also know that even if we usually are quick to forgive, we aren’t always equally willing to let go of resentment.

Look for justice. One way to reduce a large perceived injustice gap is to see justice done. Sometimes that is as simple as seeing bullies get their just desserts—like the guy who ran me off the road on my bike one morning and got a ticket for speeding within one mile of his disrespectful, aggressive driving. I didn’t hold a grudge. He got what he deserved.

Stop striving. We can reduce our sense of injustice by actively turning the matter over to God, fate, or karma. When we stop striving, we can begin thriving.

Decide to put up with it. There are four levels of putting up with the injustice. First, we could just minimize it—no big deal. That little cognitive trick rarely fools anyone, least of all ourselves. So, that way of putting up with an injustice is not usually recommended.

Second, we could grit our teeth and tolerate it. That has costs that can twist our gut and increase our internal stresses even though it might ease external and interpersonal stresses.

Third, and better for relationships, we could forbear. Forbearance is putting up with the wrongdoing for the sake of the relationship or group harmony. This does not have to mean that we cave in and do turtle to keep from ruffling our partner’s, boss’s, or work colleagues’ feathers. But forbearance can actively embrace refusal to respond negatively so that we benefit our relationship.

Fourth, and better for our individual peace of mind, we could practice acceptance. We could accept that life is too short to hold on to bitterness. Then, when we feel a trigger to negatively react, we might practice mindfulness.

Of course, there are not-so-good ways that we do try to reduce unforgiveness. Condoning or justifying or excusing or forgetting what was done will not lead to healing, necessarily. And, of course, it doesn’t help to seethe in grudge-holding or seek vengeance either passively or actively. That’s why we need to think flexibly about our options, instead of fixating on forgiveness. That’s not the only way to deal with injustices. We can mix these legitimate coping strategies to shrink the injustice gap.

3. Get ready to try actively to forgive

Think about the most difficult thing you ever successfully forgave. By remembering that, you can prove to yourself that you can forgive—even the hard things. Then commit yourself to trying to forgive and to spend time forgiving.

Analyses of many studies show that time spent trying to forgive is the best predictor of successful forgiving. Remind yourself of the benefits to yourself of forgiving. They are many. Forgiving improves your relationship, mental health and flourishing, spirituality, and immediate physical health and long-term physical health, if you practice forgiveness over time. Decide whether you need to try low-effort approaches first or need a full-court press to forgive. If you opt for therapy—one of the full-court presses—it is good to do a six-hour or two-hour DIY forgiveness manual first to make your therapy time smoother.

4. Consider shortcuts

People seeking to forgive have an abundance of options. Here are some shorter-term versions.

Religions and philosophies have touted forgiveness for hundreds of years; your minister, rabbi, imam, or priest can lay out the path for you. Supportive communities that practice forgiveness have developed methods that are tried-and-true. The internet provides a dizzying array of choices, from Greater Good to Mayo Clinic to Focus on the Family to Psychology Today and far beyond. There are brief videos, podcasts, blogs, and helpful (uh, and a few unhelpful) reactions to posts. Many of the internet sources draw (unsystematically) from published protocols that have been vetted by randomized controlled trials. Some psychologists have websites that offer resources.

5. When needed, rely on evidence-based interventions

Evidence-based interventions are often longer-term fixes. In 2014, Nathaniel Wade and his colleagues analyzed 53 randomized controlled trials to promote forgiveness. The studies sampled around 2,300 participants. They found four major things:

  • Two programs each had been supported by about one-third of all studies (my REACH Forgiveness model summarized in the sidebar below and Robert Enright’s process model).

  • Both programs were equally effective per hour of treatment, and both were equal to all other programs combined.

  • The more one tried to forgive, the more forgiveness one experienced.

  • Forgiveness interventions not only helped people forgive, they also were associated with reduced depression and anxiety and increased hope.

These programs have been vetted worldwide and are available in psychoeducational groups, DIY workbooks, psychotherapy, couples therapy, and group therapy. A newer qualitative review of research since the 2014 meta-analysis, by Nathaniel Wade and Marilyn Tittler, sampled around 1,800 participants. Its findings supported the 2014 findings.

A huge study at six sites in five countries on four continents was recently led by Man Yee Ho from Chinese University in Hong Kong. It investigated the effectiveness of REACH Forgiveness using a two- to three-hour DIY workbook. The workbook was a response to the global mental health movement that seeks to make mental health treatments available to people who cannot afford the money or time to do psychotherapy.

Ho’s colleagues sampled almost 4,600 participants (more than doubling the samples of all previous randomized controlled trials added together). They found increases in forgiveness and flourishing and decreases in depression and anxiety. In addition, trait forgivingness (i.e., one’s general disposition to forgive) increased, suggesting that people became more confident that they could forgive future transgressions. The workbooks are available free of cost in English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Ukrainian, and Indonesian—able to reach over two-thirds of the world’s population in their first language. The REACH Forgiveness steps have also been embedded within couples therapy and self-forgiveness treatments.

6. You can forgive even the hard-to-forgive hurts

Three particular types of hard-to-forgive hurts require special effort. These are people who hurt us often, huge hurts, and a combination of repeated huge hurts.

The frequent offender. Forgiving a romantic partner, work colleague with whom you must have frequent contact, or toxic family member is a challenge. These people create large injustice gaps that keep growing, especially if each instance is not dealt with quickly. Co-rumination between the two parties—in which both parties are marinating in how deeply wounded they are—or co-rumination involving a trusted and supportive third party who feeds our hate can keep the wound fresh. A well-meaning third party can, while being empathic and compassionate, keep us stirred up. How can repeated hurts be forgiven?

After several hurts or offenses, we tend to generalize from events to the person. We think, I can’t forgive her! But understanding how generalization happens gives us a clue to forgiving the hard-to-forgive. We pick a single hurt—usually one that might be symbolic of other hurts from our offender—and we forgive it. Then we pick another hurt. And another. Generalization can then work for us because we can get to the place where we think, I forgive her. So, Tip #6a is this: For repeat offenses, forgive one hurt at a time.

The big event. Sometimes it is the sheer magnitude of harm that makes it seem impossible to forgive. The injustice gap seems as large as jumping the Mississippi River. Some people, by willpower, can forgive such events, but for most of us who do not have that superpower, we must eat away at the size of the injustice gap by using those alternatives. Tip #6b is this: Use the alternatives to forgiveness.

Repeated big events. Of course, the hardest of all are big events that are repeated, like physical, sexual, or emotional abuses, repeated discriminatory acts, gaslighting, and bullying. Those often require forgiveness therapy after one has dealt with the trauma or PTSD of the harm. Enright’s process model has been adapted for long-term treatment, and is the most supported model for such treatment.

If you want to, you can forgive virtually anything. The REACH Forgiveness workbook won’t take away all unforgiveness, in the same way that a COVID vaccine won’t make us forever immune to the virus. But it is a great start. And, remember, you can deal with injustices in ways other than forgiving. While a lot of recent research has documented the relationship, mental health, spiritual health, and physical health benefits to the forgiver, recent research has shown that you can begin to reap those rewards in as little as two hours.


Think about the hardest thing you ever successfully forgave. Remind yourself that you CAN forgive.

Rehearse the benefits to yourself of forgiving, and know that forgiveness might help your relationship, if it is safe, prudent, and possible to reconcile.

Work through the five steps to REACH emotional forgiveness.
--R = Recall the hurt as objectively as you can.

--E = Empathize with the one who hurt you. Try, if possible, to see things from their viewpoint. If you can’t, use sympathy, compassion, or even love (particularly in romantic relationships) to replace the negative unforgiving emotions.

--A = Altruistic gift of forgiveness. No one deserves forgiveness. Forgiveness is your choice. If you choose to give it, it is an altruistic gift.

--C = Commit to the emotional forgiveness you experience.

--H = Hold on to forgiveness when you doubt that you’ve really forgiven.

Seek to make a decision to forgive, which is deciding not to pay the person back but to treat the person as a valuable and valued person. This is about your intention to treat the person differently.

Try to solidify your forgiveness by applying the REACH steps and making a decision to forgive in several other relationships that are not characterized by full forgiveness.

Everett L. Worthington Jr.

Everett L. Worthington, Jr., Ph.D., is Commonwealth Professor Emeritus at Virginia Commonwealth University and co-editor (with Nathaniel G. Wade) of Handbook of Forgiveness, 2nd ed. (2020, Routledge). He studies forgiveness, humility, and other character strengths and virtues within positive psychology.

© 2023 The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley

The Atlas of Emotions

In collaboration with the Dalai Lama, Drs. Paul and Eve Ekman created an online, interactive map of emotions to increase emotional awareness and compassion on a global front. 

The motivations behind this project are simple: we don't know what we don't know, and many of us don't know what we're feeling or why--we simply react! By expanding our understanding and use of greater emotional vocabularies, each of us will be better equipped to notice, learn from, and manage emotional triggers and responses.

The Atlas of Emotions is available for free to the public free as an online educational resource.